We are living in an age of increasing unpredictability. Uncertainties are caused by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical risks stemming from the war in Ukraine. In this age, we must evolve ourselves to adapt flexibly to the changing sense of values in response to the rapidly accelerating digital shift and the SDGs. Responding to those changes, we will actively support and promote a range of attractive products and services that leverage the unique aspects of Japanese lifestyle culture, not only in those areas where the Cool Japan Fund has hitherto primarily invested—Media & Content, Food, Lifestyle, and Inbound Services—but in other areas as well, to tap into overseas demand.
The Cool Japan Fund aims to have a major influence on the Japanese industry from medium- to long-term perspectives by proactively investing in meaningful projects in accordance with the policy, demonstrating the allure of Japanese culture and lifestyles to the world, and turning them into value. As we move toward a new stage of investment, eight years after our establishment, we will provide risk capital for businesses that can create new value for the post-COVID-19 era — including projects which promote digital transformation, provide online platforms, create higher added value for tourism services, which is expected to recover, and make ESG investments — sensing and reacting to changes in the global market accordingly. While sharing our passion with everyone, we are strongly committed to support industrial development in the field of Cool Japan.
Now that people's living environment is changing drastically, we would like to create new possibilities for such excellent products and services that Japan is proud of to the world, which can energize people, convey emotions, and harmonize with the environment.
- April 1980
- Joined Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.
- April 2012
- President and Representative Director, Daiwa Securities SMBC Principal
Investments Co. Ltd. and Daiwa PI Partners Co. Ltd.
- April 2014
- President & CEO, Daiwa Corporate Investment Co., Ltd.
- April 2017
- Corporate Advisor, Daiwa Corporate Investment Co., Ltd.
- April 2019
- Joined Cool Japan Fund Inc.
- June 2019
- Executive Corporate Officer, Cool Japan Fund Inc.
- June 2021
- President and CEO, Cool Japan Fund Inc.
- August 2022
- President, CEO and COO, Cool Japan Fund Inc.
- June 2024
- President and CEO, Cool Japan Fund Inc. (Present Post)